RRRuffles have Ridges
I cannot believe that the first all-nighter of the year is over a lousy problem set. I thought that my choosing four classes without any essays would preclude me from having to go through this shit again. Now, not only have my hopes in this respect been dashed, it turns out I have to write an essay for biology. Somebody please explain to me the point of making me write a bloody essay for biology. I can almost understand their stated purpose of teaching us to write clearly and concisely, but hasn't that been done in the humanities and social sciences?
This whole core education thing is a crock. Honestly, what the hell do I need to know biology for? Or art history? Even if I do, is it asking too much for an introductory course to be conducted at a pace and level accessible to someone with zero science background? The amount of material we're expected to cover is utterly ridiculous. The bloody textbook is way too massive for a 10 week class. The stupid quarter system is just completely and totally evil. I can understand academically intense, but this really is beyond all limits of tolerance. Come on, who on earth starts an introductory biology class by going over the makeup and structure of DNA in the first few sessions? I don't know this stuff, and I can't remember it simply it came out of your mouth the one time.
I think I'm going insane. Too much logic. That doesn't really make sense, I know. More logic should make me less prone to the randomness of insanity. The exact opposite occurs. I find that the regimentation of my thought processes for an extended period of time tends to cause a build up of impatience and energy. So I'm trapped in some sort of manic exhaustion at the moment. It's going to have to last me till at least 6 pm Friday. After that, I can collapse. Oh wait, I can't. I have a dinner appointment after that on Friday evening. I think I'll pick a decadent and utterly wonderful place, simply because I need the stress relief. I'll ask around for some recommendations and pick some gorgeous place. At least my dining companion will be pleasant enough.
Somehow, Chinese songs seem to strike a chord in my head. Strange, because I rarely listened to Chinese music, or any music, for that matter, while I was younger. Now, they soothe and calm me somewhat. So my chewing of gum has slowed in intensity, and my typing is not as frantic as it was a minute ago. I am grateful indeed for Wu Yin Liang Pin, even if they no longer exist.
I am also a fan of Ruffles Original chips. Bloody expensive, but good stuff. Honestly, those gourmet potato chips don't do it for me. Good ol' Ruffles does. So does Wrigley chewing gum, actually. Particularly the classic Doublemint, in green, of all colours. I detest green. One of those colours I cannot abide. If I had a choice, I would abolish all green from my sight forever. Substitute with some new colour. Note that I cannot visualise a suitable replacement for green, simply because if I could, the colour would already exist. That really is quite interesting, when you think about it. Ideas exist the instant they are conceived. Before then, they are nothing. So it is impossible for an undiscovered colour to exist, since once it is conceived of, it already exists.
Ok, I'm rambling badly, and I need to finish this damn thing and hop off to class tomorrow morning. So I'll stop now.