How bad can the healthcare in this country be? This is pretty ridiculous.
I spent three hours of my Sunday afternoon waiting to see a doctor, enduring a hyperactive child screaming and assaulting his grandfather, only for the damn doctor to tell me to go buy an over-the-counter medicine. Why is it that in Singapore, I can go to a clinic on a Sunday and wait fifteen minutes to be seen, but in this, the centre of democracy, capitalism and Western affluence, I can't get halfway decent healthcare? I don't even know where I can pay more for brisk service.
Singaporeans really don't seem to get how good they have it.
On a related note, why is it that women are conditioned to avoid paying for things? As a hypothetical example, if two people, one male and one female, go to see a movie, not even a date, just a bad flick on a weekend morning, the woman feels free to ask for some popcorn, then walks away to the restroom, assured in her assumption that it will be paid for?
I'm too tired and annoyed to rant.
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