This is impossible. I think I am getting stupid or something. I stare and stare at my problem set, and the answer refuses to come to me. Maybe I'm not staring hard enough. Shouldn't homework be designed to reinforce skills and drill you in the use of them, not to make you wrack your brain trying to figure out strange variations of what is taught in class when you have yet to master the standard version?
This is deeply upsetting. I think I have been too distracted this quarter, and too many things have been getting in the way of what I should be doing. I need some focus, or I'm not going to get anywhere. Well, that isn't true. I could head to the depths quite easily, and at present, that looks like a very likely destination. I need to pull up, but it seems quite beyond me at the moment. This is not a good situation.
Why am I even typing this? I should be studying.
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