Sunday, June 06, 2004


Hmmm, this blogging on request thing is getting to be quite a challenge. Especially when the request is utterly ridiculous. This time it's "Dopey". Well, let's see where it'll take me then, shall we?

Dopey, could mean any number of things. The first that would spring to mind is the movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, I suppose. At least for me. Dopey would be one of the seven dwarves by the way. I will admit that I have never watched that movie to my recollection, and honestly, I have no particular desire to do so. The title of the movie has always, to me, smacked of porn. Come on, some girl with an innocent sounding name like Snow White, and seven dwarves holed up in a shack in the forest? Might as well call it Sylvia Saint and the Seven Construction Workers. Which reminds me, isn't it odd how sexual fantasies are constructed? Construction workers? Nurses? Maids? Waitresses? High school students? Dwarves? Doesn't make much sense at all. After all, what is it about fantasies that make them universally appealing? I can only assume that they are fairly universal, at least within broad swathes of cultures. I cannot speak for the fantasies of some primitive Indonesian tribe or something like that, but in a reasonably Western culture, which is today the de facto default culture for the world, the same genres of sexual partners seem to be held up as the pinnacles of sexuality. Isn't sexual preference supposed to be personal? Ok, let us deconstruct them a bit. I shall avoid talking about female fantasies, since I don't think I'm qualified to say very much about them. So let's look at typical male fantasies. Take the classic archetypes of the nurse, the waitress and the schoolgirl. I once saw an absolutely hilarious comic where in an effort to seduce some guy, this witch transforms into a morph of these three fantasies. The male's reaction was of complete shock at the sheer stupidity of the gesture. At first gloss, this would seem to be apparent, but why should this be? Would the ideal male fantasy not be a schoolgirl who is working as a nurse in an expensive hospital where they take your order for food? But this just seems contrived and ridiculous, so we can only conclude that each of these fantasies stands alone. Again this becomes difficult to support, for if they each stand completely independent, then it is unlikely that they can infiltrate the consciousness of so many simultaneously. So could it be the motif of submissiveness? The nurse and the waitress fulfil your every request, while I suppose the schoolgirl is young and easily cowed into submission. So when you take each of them, they can stand alone as archetypes of submissiveness, but cannot survive as a composite, since there is a disruption of the internal consistency of the warped logic that dictates the behaviour of these genres of people inaccurately. But the theme of domination also runs strong. Wonder Woman has to be the single most fantasised about female in existence. Superheroine fantasies are so much a part of the popular culture that they are openly acknowledged in the ultimate arbiters of our culture, television. So men want to dominate and be dominated simultaneously? Maybe the ideal solution would be to dominate a strong woman. Hmmm, maybe I'm just reading too much into this. I imagine a great deal more psychology background would be required to effectively delve into what I have only described above.

Dopey could also bring to mind the person who simply is not sharp intellectually. There is a certain bluntness of disposition and mental acuity that seems to endear some persons to the world. In Singapore, the person who is slightly 'blur' is generally considered quite charming. Why should this be? Should these people not be despised and rejected for being unintelligent? Perhaps it is the need to feel superior to others that makes people generate goodwill towards those who appear to be on a somewhat lower level intellectually to themselves. But that would not be entirely true as well. Below a certain level of dopeyness, so to speak, the feeling of the person being cute is replaced with a disgust and impatience at the ineptitude displayed. Then again, if you go even lower, it is generally quite difficult to find anyone openly hostile towards those extremely disadvantaged mentally. Those who actually are mentally handicapped are off-limits to jokes and jibes, easy as they may be to make. Perhaps it is a symptom of the desire to maintain an image of humanity, whatever that may be.

Bleh, it's Sunday, I have finals in a couple of days, and my fingers hurt from too much typing.