Friday, February 09, 2007

Verily Annoyed

I understand that the game lineup at launch is not always perfect. The more complex a system, the harder it is to program for, and I respect that. So I can deal with the lack of interesting games.

I paid the money, so I am clearly onboard with the price tag. I don't like it, but I can deal with it.

New technology often comes into bulky packages. And I'm vaguely familiar with the concept of chips getting too hot for their own good. So I can deal with the heat and the ridiculously heavy box.

A controller is a controller. If you want to type, get a keyboard. I understand that. So I can deal with the slooow entry of numbers to the system.

What I cannot deal with is data simply being lost from the hard drive. If the internal hard drive is supposed to replace the hassle of memory cards, then it had damn well better not get corrupted after 4 weeks of use. And 20 hours of level-grinding in Final Fantasy XII.

So I paid $600 (plus tax) for a heavy machine that has no good software, spews enough hot air that I can turn off the heat in my room, takes forever to enter any information on, and loses hours of game time on a whim.

I am annoyed.