Monday, March 22, 2004

Pretty girls' heads

Ahhhhh, Singapore. Love this place. The people, the food, the simple calculations of prices (no tax, no tips). What's not to love? Well, maybe the weather. Bloody hot here. Never taken so many cold showers in my life. Ah well, the price of being at home.

I just figured I should update this thing once in a while, not nice to leave it hanging while I'm on holiday. I wonder if jet lag should count as sleep deprivation? Anyway, so an absolutely fascinating thing happened to me on the flight home. I was sitting on the plane from Tokyo to Singapore, and there was this pretty, petite girl, about my age, maybe a year or two younger, sitting next to me. Marvellous, I thought. Certainly better company than the giant guy on my other side. Well, just as the flight got underway, this middle-aged woman seated behind me opened the overhead storage compartment, and my laptop bag fell out and hit the girl right on the noggin. Extreme embarrassment. I was going to scold the woman for not being careful, but she snatched the initiative and started in on me first. I have no idea what she used as an excuse, because she was going on in Japanese. Unfortunately the injured girl also only spoke Japanese. So I could only sit there in dumb admiration of the speed of that woman's speech and be thoroughly lambasted for something which is NOT my fault.

It gets better. So momentary humiliation over, I settled in for a flight made less pleasant by that incident. Now, a flight attendant, seeing me making profuse apologies to the girl, somehow concluded, I know not how, that she was my wife. I didn't really care what he thought and pretty much ignored the fellow. When I went upfront later and was chatting with my lovely travelling companion, who, unfortunately, was not seated with me during this flight, the flight attendant floated by and sort of hinted that perhaps I should not be chatting up some pretty girl while my 'wife' was asleep in the back. At this point, I was wondering what business this fellow had poking his nose in my affairs, regardless of whether his assumptions were correct or not. I decided not to let my travelling companion know of this and retired to my seat for the landing. The attendant persisted in his not-so-subtle admonishments of my 'infidelity', and eventually managed to irritate me to the point where I just told him, "Yes, this is my wife, and that woman upfront is my girlfriend. I'm juggling the two of them on the same flight. Now, what business is that of yours?"

Shut the fellow up.

I am glad the girl beside me did not speak English. On the other hand, if she did speak English, I might have done a touch of chatting up; she was quite pretty. Just my type. Oh well.

So, I could now go on about the nature, as I perceive it, as always, of moralising to others when their affairs do not really concern you, but I don't think I shall. I'm on holiday, and shall avoid torturing readers with my amateur philosophising. So I'll leave this post as a simple story that is somewhat, in my opinion at least, amusing.

People only truly experience life during the holidays. All else is just designed to get you to the holidays. So shouldn't work be a holiday from life?