This particular late night dueling with Durkheim and Levi-Strauss has left me a touch numb in the brain, and my fingertips. The fingertips can wait for another day, I want to talk about my brain for a bit today. Not all of it, just the power switch.
I have been accused of rarely being able to enjoy something without overanalysing it. Even when choosing a mindless entertainment, it is an entirely conscious choice for me. I cannot simply sit down before a television and watch whatever is on. I am compelled to make a careful choice as to what I will allow my brain to experience, even as I endeavour to avoid straining it overmuch.
I sometimes envy those people who are able to simply apply their intelligence to their work or studies as needed, then switch off completely in the rest of their lives. It must be good to be able to do that. Like a power drill; use it when necessary, but don't play with it too much or it'll wear out. I occasionally wonder if mine will ever wear itself out. The bit does sometimes seem to become a bit blunted and the motor a touch slow. But things recover themselves neatly always and life goes on, power drill churning away.
I am utterly unable to stop thinking about things at any point in time. Which is the point of this weblog in the first place, I suppose. Perhaps it is the extravagant amount of time spent staring at my computer screen, but now it seems I am able to cordon off sections of my mind to think about various things even as I focus on particular objects. The problem is when these peripheral applications expand their functions and threaten to steal more than their fair share of memory. This results in me constantly being somewhat preoccupied. I do tend to lapse into brooding silence frequently, even in the midst of a conversation. To any who encounter that in me, fear not, I still hear what you are saying, it is just that my processor is being pushed to its capacity and may take a touch more time to respond to your keystrokes.
Ach! You know you're tired when you go off on a tangent and completely miss the point you were aiming for. Anyway, I was going to spend my time talking about my tastes in life, but that will have to wait, I suppose. French sociologists beckon.
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