Thursday, November 24, 2005

No energy can be a good thing

There really is a reason I never bring people back to my place, wherever it is, after drinking. You wake up with people strewn all over the shop, and probably vomit on your floor, bed, laptop, in your closet, over your toilet. And people always seem to select the moment when you're not around to throw up. Why is that? Is it because even when you're completely smashed, there are still some reservations about completely embarrassing yourself in front of others? Of course, you're drunk, so it doesn't occur to you that it is equally embarrassing to be seen lying in a pool of vomit as creating it.

Anyway, here is evidence of why I don't like drunk people in my room.

Not me, thankfully, but my roommate's this morning. Thanksgiving hell. It's karma. What you inflict comes back and hits you back eventually.

Sometimes having no energy to go out can be a good thing.